L'Association Art Bio is engaged in the protection of the Environnement
and developps its activities through artistic adventures in the South
of France, in Pézenas, jewel of architecture in "large Provence".
We organize a yearly Artisitc Meetings (around June) to allow artists
and public to meet around these great challenges of our times : waste.
We also invit and welcome foreign artists and groups of artists, as the
Nomadic Academy of Fools, directed by Jonathan Kay, coming in October
in Pézenas, during their European Tour between Berlin and Barcelona.
Venue of the Nomadic
Academy of Fools, in Pézenas, from 18th to 29th october.
27th - 28th - 29th
Foyer des Campagnes
please come back for more!
contact us now to book!
for more information about the NAF Tour:
Weekend Workshops
In Jonathan Kays unique Fooling Technique
You have to commit to the whole weekend but you could do both, as no two
workshops are ever the same.
This work is emotionally vigorous. Not suitable for the wobbly.
Must be over 18yrs.
The workshops are led by a really experienced performer, whose intention
is to make his work available to all. Payment is by donation. This does
not mean a free lunch. We suggest a minimum donation of £50 (about
50 euros now...) for workshops and £5 for performances, just so
we cover our costs. We feel though that this work is priceless and worth
much more than that. We are working in a world outside of the credit crunch
and by visiting it with us you will stretch the fibres of your creative
imagination, so start as you mean to go on and contribute to it like it
is an exceptional happening that can only exist through you creating it.
So create big!
For more information and bookings please contact Joanne on 07900 941
205 or email joanne@nomadicacademy.net
Jonathan Kay in a workshop,
they seem having fun

Presse release :
Blablablah.org octobre 2008 : the
free English French local magazine / based in Pézenas / october
Midi Libre du 27/10/2008
Please, add a link on your website!:
Association Art Bio
And more specifically about NAF venue : www.tripandtrip.com/NationalAcademyofFools
Contact : Agnès Allart (english spoken) and Alicia Gasser (Spanish
spoken - abla español)
Thank you!!
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