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Newsletter # 10


Art Bio : worms are gathering up...

1- General Assemly '05: April, 2nd
2- Toward a greener "worm-world"
3- Agenda : follow the worms!


Happy Easter!

1 - General Assembly - 2nd April 2005

The 2nd General Assembly of the Association Art Bio will take place @ the now very "cult-ure" station Mir in Pézenas.

Please do come @ 3pm, bring your friends and take an active part to the decisions which will lead our recycling activities throughout the year.

We do have plenty of projects and ideas but we lack the essential : heads, arms and legs...

A 3rd edition of the Art Bio Artistic Meeting? Lecture and animations in schools? You too have projects, Ideas?

Association Membership is 5€ for a year.

But if you cannot be our guest on the 2nd General Assembly, you can still write us by mail or email, click here. You can even become a member online! Click here.

NB: At 10pm Station Mir presents Jazz Kreol Attitude. Concert do starts @ 10pm
Entry: 10€

2 - Toward a greener "Worm-world"

A worm bin allows everyone to save money on fertilizer.
You can indeed produce your own 100% organic fertilizer with your kitchen waste. You obtain as well the richest liquid fertilizer to water your indoor and outdoor plants and flowers.

Scientific studies also in France have shown that plants grow faster and healthier, resisting more efficiently to disease and bugs, fruits grow bigger if fed with wormcastings...

3 - Art Bio Agenda:
Follow the worms!

Spring coming, worms are wiggling!

Saturday 9th April '05
- All day - free entry

Come to meet us during the Open Door Day @ Lycée Agricole de Gignac (34) - agriculture school

Route de Pézenas
34150 Gignac

For more info, contact us :
04 67 98 51 66

Saturday 30th April '05
- From 2pm to 6pm - Free Entry

Sustainable Development Afternoon

Maison Départementale de l'Environnement
34730 Prades le Lez

Take the opportunity of a free entry to discover the stakes, the opportunities and the solutions, in subscribing to this winning option for our future that Sustainable Development is symbolising.
Art Bio and La Maison Départementale de l'Environnement
invite you to share some of these experiences and of course, the fabulous experience of worm-composting!

This meeting will give you the possibility:

· to meet companies engaged in Sustainable Development ;

· to meet concrete actors, ready to help you with your projects;

· to discover examples of realisation in Sustainable Development , such as the example of Art Bio.

The Maison départementale de l'Environnement is located in the beautiful Domaine de Restinclières. Come and visit!

Sunday 8th May '05
- All day - Free entry

Ecology and Living Day - Celles (34800 @ the Salagou Lake )
"living that respects the human and the environment"

Come and discover ecological building techniques and materials and meet professionals in the wonderful area of the Salagou Lake!

About 100 builders, producers and local growers, food, drinks and natural products!

Directions: Highway A75 - Exit 55 "Lac du Salagou - Celles"

Organisators : VARIANCE - développement local et respect de l'environnement.
25, av Cot - 34600 Bédarieux
Tél. : 04 67 95 01 02


...and thank you all for your support!

Next news, next newsletter!

Agnès Allart