Newsletter # 4
Become Part Of The Worm Family !
1- Art Bio Artistic Meeting: perspectives
2- Become a member of the Association Art Bio
3- Summer Night at the
Bookshop "Haut Quartier"
4- Agenda: Follow the Worms!
what news...? It is still so hot in Pézenas, but the good news
is that Worms don't seem to suffer too much. They like the humidity and
obscurity of their Wormfarm!
It is now decompression phase, few weeks already after the artistic meeting
in Celles. Calmness is reigning, the come-down, after all the excitment,
is quite relaxing.
It's holiday and let's say there's not much more to say. Few projects
are to come, still about Worms!
1- Artistic Meeting Art
Bio: Perspectives
Let's start with the beginning: I would like to thank warmly and sincerely
all the people involved in the organisation of this first Art Bio Meeting
and allowed it to take place: Ms Goudal, Mayor of Celles and her Township
Council; All the artists who have accepted my invitation and made of this
meeting, through their live performances, its essence self; the public,
who courageously had to put up with the extreme and tiring heat of that
weekend. Thank you all!
Artists have gone out of their atelier and endangered themselves in front
of the public in order to support the Art Bio ecological initiative. It
was a very interesting and rich experience for all.
Just a drop of disappointment, however, witnessing the lack of interests
from the media (radio, tv and press). But this has not discouraged the
artists, who still enjoyed themselves and realized a real artistic challenge.
There was synergy, ecological as much as artistic.
It all boils down to say that apart from few oranisational defaults and
the extreme heat, the Art Bio Meeting has been a real success. Rendez-vous
is already taken with Ms Goudal, Mayor of Celles, for the next Art Bio
Meeing, next year! Good news, ini!?
In this perspective, I invite all of you's good souls, if you're interested
in joining the winning team, composed of Alain Chaud and Agi Allart, to
prepare the next Art Bio Meeting. "It's never too early!"…One
of the lessons learned!
2- Become a Member of
the Association Art Bio
The meeting of July, 5th & 6th in Celles was the opportunity
to become a member of Art Bio. And few people did!
Five euro, is the price of the membership. And here are few advantages:
- be part of the "recycling" network, artists, Earth Worms lovers,
fans and innovators of recycling techniques…
- be kept updated with local and international similar events;
- beneficiate of price reduction in similar events;
- more ideas are coming through, yours are welcome!
top of the page

3- Summer Night at the bookshop"
Haut Quartier"
Friday 25th July, the bookshop Haut Quartier, Conti street
(Pézenas), organised a "meeting, vernissage, exhibition",
around the book of Bona Mangangu: "Ce que disent mes mains sur la
toile" (What my hands tell on the canvas);
Bona Mangangu, painter and writer, expressed himself
through his book and with his friends:
-Alain Chaud, sculptor, showed few pieces of his work,
-Kébir, "recycling" painter, presented
his latest paintings and sculptures,
-Agnès Allart, Art Bio presented its revolutionary
-David Huguenin, photographer, made us discover the second
part of his "herb book".
The Domaine of Creyssels brought us a exquise touch of wine
I would like to make clear that Bona Mangangu, Alain chaud and Kébir
have been the first to support me and my project and turn my Wormfarms
into real work of art.
4- Follow the worms!
14th-18th August - Caux (34) - Chapelle des Pénitents
– The latest work of Bona Mangangu.
Open Door Day
31st August - Pézenas (34) – Park of Castelsec
Meet from 12pm in the Park. The Association "la Vie en vrac",
organising the Printival Boby Lapointe gets dressed up to welcome you!
Animations for the kids and the elders, concerts, drinks and food, sense
of humour good mood required!
Art Bio is invited and you will have the opportunity to
become a member of Art Bio (5euro).
Entrance is free.
...and concerts !
31st August - Pézenas - Théâtre de Verdure - Parc
Sans Souci
L'estival du Printival Boby Lapointe
31 artists get together
- Pierre Vassiliu
- Gérard Blanchard
- Aldebert
- Général Alcazar
- Véloma
- Duo Mâlines
- Jean Fallissard
- Angel Girones
- Mahut
- Claudine César
- Ray Everitt
...+ surprise guests!
+33 4 67 98 36 40
Sale Points: Pézenas Tourism Office and on site 15/20 euro.
Note: The membership to the Association "La Vie
en Vrac" offers you discounts for this concerts, as well as for the
Printival Boby Lapointe, next April.
For more info, send a mail to:
...and thank you all again for your support!
Next info, next newsletter!
Agnès Allart
Art Bio
6, rue des Orfèvres
34120 Pézenas
Tel/Fax: 04 67 98 51 66
Portable: 06 12 05 82 39