Newsletter # 6
2004...year of the Worm?
1- Classroom conference
2- Worms do read English!
3- Art Bio presents: PRIMAVERA
6ème Forum of the Environment
and the Quality of Live
- 13th & 14th March - Perpignan
4- Art Bio Artistic Meeting 2003:
Photos - Retro & Perspectives
5- Agenda: Follow the Worms!
Happy New Year! The joke is not easy to translate into English but "have
loads of worms and glasses...", glasses being the ranslation of "verres",
which pronounces the same as "vers" (worms)...
You got it? yeah! Funny frogs!
1- School of the Earth
For those of you who have kids, wouldn't you like them taught practically
the composition of the soil, all different and tiny things that live under
our feet at school?
On October 23, in Pézenas,a dozain of kids have listened very carefully
and have taken part in the start of the Wormfarm given by Art Bio.
Initiated to Wormcomposting, kids were enthusiastic about feeding the
worms with the rests of their lunch. What a luck! that day there were
artichokes and corn sticks, which particularily delights our mascots when
they're cut in small bits to ease the worms' digestion.
The children were very surprised to learn that worms also love eating
hair (also pets'!) and nails cuttings. What a story to stop
the kids tearing their hair!
2- Worms do read English!
Oh, oui !
The proof of the pudding, is now accessible to Australian,
British and New-Zealander Worms...among others!
Have a look!
top of the page
top of the page

3- Art Bio presents:
Primavera - 6th Forum of
the Environment and
the Quality of Life
During this forum, Art Bio and its members will let you
discover new aspects of Recyling. WormFarms, which have already tingled
so many minds, continue to surprise you!
Art Bio will also present a conference about Worm Composting.
4- Art Bio artistic Meeting:
photos-retro & perspectives
On the Art Bio website you will find pictures of the works
realised by the 15 local and international artists on the theme of Recycling,
as well as pictures of Celles, this wonderful little town, along the Lake
of Salagou, town which welcomed so warmly our meeting.
Take note right now that our next Art Bio Artistic Meeting
will still take place in Celles in July 2004!
Have a look on the website, click here to see
the pictures!
5- Follow the worms! Agenda
6th Forum
for the Environment
and the Quality of Life
13th & 14th March Perpignan(66)
Palais des Congrès
Art Bio invites you all to see its conference. Our members
will happily help you with all questions about recycling and wormcomposting.
It is also the opportunity to become member of the association.
For more info, send a mail to:
...and thank you all again for your support!
Next info, next newsletter!
Agnès Allart