L'Association Art Bio is engaged in the protection of the Environnement and developps its activities through artistic adventures in the South of France, in Pézenas, jewel of architecture in "large Provence". We organize a yearly Artisitc Meetings (around June) to allow artists and public to meet around these great challenges of our times : waste. BECAUSE OUR WASTE IS OUR WEALTH...
We used some TetraPack, made out of aluminium and coated-plastic cardoboard. The alumnium side will be the inside of the wallet; the
coated-plastic cardboard makes a strong and longlasting (and even Waterproof)
wallet! Start by folding in 2 the small side parts inside.
Then fold in 2 lengthwise. Then decide which side shoud be the front (we'll cut the other, so keep the nice part!) press strong together
This is how it looks from inside (left) and outside (right) Agi's and Rachel's almost finished pretty wallets !
:) Yes, we did drink all that wine before making all these
Pour suivre nos activités, et venir nous rencontrer :
Pour suivre nos activités, et venir nous rencontrer :