Wormcomposting - Vermicompost - Compost
But! The worm population (understand all species) has already started to decrease. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers and tractors, little by little, are destroying these "small agriculturists", so helpful for our environment. In a parallel way, in France, and in all the rest of the world, warming climate, acidic rains and other "natural catastrophies" seems to be more and more devastating. And last but not least, we have, on the surface of the globe and underneath, an aggravating issue: our waste! Worms can help us save a decaying world... Explanation of concept RECYCLING OF ORGANIC WASTE OF HOUSEHOLDS WITH COMPOSTING WORMS PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SOLID AND LIQUID FERTILIZER Caracteristics - WORMFARMS can be either square or round, working vertically or horizontally. Several models exist. Usually, it is a box, composed of 3 boxes on top of each others, which dimensions are set to fit the number of persons eating in a household and their quatity of organic waste. Wormfarms generally have handles and lid and stand on legs. - no smell Initiation
to Wormfarms require only few minutes of your attention everyday. You can
recolt the solid fertilizer at least once a year and recolt the liquid
fertilizer as often as needed. Wormfarms are a individual and/or collective
solution to our current ecological issues: they are the alternative to
incinaration of waste, which polluting effects were scientificly proven
to be noxious for the environment and for our health, especially for pregnant
women and children. Initiation
Artists from Pézenas and the region in action The first wormfarms have been build by members of the association Art Bio and decorated by local artists: Kébir, painter and sculptor (Pézenas), Alain Chaud, sculptor (Pézenas) and Bona Mangangu, painter and writer (Alignan sur Orb). They therefore express their involvment in the protection of nature and the recycling of waste. click here to
Pictures of artistic Wormfarms CLICK