Newsletter # 11
Art Bio : worms gather up...
1- Art Bio expands!
2- 3rd Artistic Meeting: Feedback
3- Membership of Association Art Bio
4- The little worms talk about themselves!
5- The private sector shows an interest in Art Bio
6- Agenda: Follow the worms
Whats new and what not to miss. It's autumn but
the little worms don't stop working and composting our rubbish.
1- Art Bio expands!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Diana Sztajnert who, since the
month of September, has taken the role of administrative secretary for
Art Bio.
We needed the youth and dynamism of Diana, who wanted to use her talents
to promote recycling and to help our mascots the worms. She will, eventually,
fill the role necessary to organise the 4th annual artistic reunion of
Art Bio with new activities and performances. By the way, thanks to Diana's
numerous skills, you can see her work, by clicking Diana's
cartoon about Arvin the Worm! Click here.
Don't hesitate to welcome her to the wonderful; world of recycling, worms,
wormcomposting and all of the association Art Bio!
2 - 3rd Art Bio Reunion : look back
3rd Art Bio Reunion : look back
The 3rd Art Bio Reunion fell under the sign of international recycling.
Artists from Germany, Austria, Belgium, from Uruguay or Amsterdam (a capital
city of art!) came to exhibit and to actively support our 3rd meeting.
You could have appreciated the jewellery of Elen@Bijou (link
by clicking here), the pictures of Soussy (Amsterdam) or of Margareta
Kuebler (Stuttgart)- link
by clicking here. On the French side of things you could also
have discovered and/or rediscovered the very creative works of Emmanuel
Cometto, who also turns his potter's wheel in his workshop/gallery
at Mourèze.(link
by clicking here). Sylvie Piqué would certainly
have intrigued you with her paintings on wood. Perhaps you would have
heard the sea in the bin full of tin cans. That was the work of Olivier
Ferrière, a new contributor who gave us much pleasure.
We must not forget Kébir, Recycling God, , nor the
other artists , who you will soon be able to discover on our web site.
The big newcomer this year, with their workshops to create recycled and
vegetable paper was Ophéline et Soussy. They were
much appreciated by children and adults alike.
A big thank you to all the artists and members of Art Bio who contributed
to the success of the meeting 2005. Also new in 2005, the showing
of the following films: the documentary by Agnès Varda " Les
glaneurs et la glaneuse ", and the short by Brazilian Jorge Furtado
" The Island of Flowers", brought great acclaim. Let's do it
again next year.
The next meeting for the 4th annual Reunion of ArtBio is already fixed
for July 2006 at Celles.
We haven't , as yet, updated the website regarding the 3rd Art Bio Reunion
as we have yet to recover all the photographs.
You will be brought up to date in the next newsletter. Stay online with
3 - Membership to the'Association Art Bio
It's very simple to join the Art Bio Association. Fill out
the brief form found on the site
(click here) and send it, with a cheque for 5€, to the following
(Association Loi 1901)
6, rue des Orfèvres
34120 PEZENAS - France
Tél. /Fax. :
5€, is the cost of one year's membership, you will
benefit from the following advantages:
- Membership of the network of "dedicated recyclers" ",
recycling artists, worm lovers de terre and innovators of recylcing.
- Information regarding relevant local, regional and national demonstrations.
- Reductions for certain demonstrations/exhibitions
- New: reduction on the price of a worm farm
- and many other advantages to follow.

4- The Little worms speak for themselves !
Since April, the worms have multiplied in press articles
and are becoming better known.
First of all, an article in the free monthly Biocontact for April 2005,
written by the president of the Association Art Bio, Agnès ALLART.
The article, entitled Stop throwing away! Recycle with the earthworms."
Aimed at developing a general sensitivity toward recylcing and to encourage
the discovery of wormcomposting. Another article was produced by the magazine
of the Département L'Hérault. You can read this article
in September's edition. It contains a big plan explaining the process
behind a worm farm. Finally, our friends the worms, were on the telly.
It's true! France 3 showed a short report which went out on Tuesday 27th
September at 13h and 19h for the regional edition. Viewers were able to
discover a new way to make compost, indoors as outdoors: the individual
wormcomposter thanks to the worm farm (Can-O-Worms). Our little chums
the earthworms have become real stars
5 - The private sector takes an
interest in Art Bio
Supporting our activities in favour of worm-composting,
the society Vers
La Terre,specialist of worm-composing, has become a benfactor
of the Association Art Bio.
It's not a great surprise for those who are aware that Agnès, our
preseident, is also the director of Vers La Terre !
Other local enterprises have expressed a wish to support the actions of
Art Bio. Amongst these, the well known bookshop Librairie du Haut Quartier
de Pézenas, where we buy excellent books, that you will find during
our exhibitions.
6 - Agenda Art Bio :
follow the worms !
- St GlinGlin Party-
7th & 8th oct. 2005
Pézenas (Rue Conti)
Art Bio, represented by the charming singer and enchanteress, Tracy, will
be holding a stall Saturday 8 October, Rue Conti, in Pézenas. This
will be an opportunity to become a member of Association Art Bio.
- FiFi 2005 5th & 9th oct.
6ème Bienale du Festival International Film d'Insectes
Art Bio is to hold a conference Friday 7 October at 16h30 at the Forum
du Développement Durable.
info, click here
Direction : Prades - 66 (near Perpignan)
A9 Exit 42 direction Prades
Complexe sportif et
plaine Saint Martin
- Sunday 9th octobre 2005
in MONTAUBAN at the marché gare
from 9am until 7pm
12th Bio show- free entry
Art Bio will be there to hold a conference on natural recycling at16h00.
- Maison Départementale de l'Environnement
24-25-26 octobre 2005
Prades le Lez - 34 (proche Montpellier)
Domaine de Restinclières
In the framework of environmental displays regarding junk,
held by the Maison Départementale de l'Environnement de l'Hérault
and aimed at 8-12 year olds, the workshops "ki tri-tout"
will be held by members of the Association Art Bio, in collaboration with
the recyclerie of Anduze and the animators of the Maison Départementale
of the Environnement.
The animations are free but only available by inscription.
For more information call
04 99 62 09 42
the website of Maison Départementale, inside the Conseil Général
de l'Hérault website by clicking here.
...and thank you all for your support!!
Next news, next newsletter!!
Agnès Allart