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Wormfarms - Newsletter # 3


Ver – nissage !

1- Vernissage!
2- A website for the Worms! TRIPANDTRIP.COM
3- Creation of the association Loi 1901 Art Bio
4- Agenda "Follow the Worms"


Waves and Bubbles

Oh man! We've done quite a lot since the last newsletter!
Between heat waves, strike waves and protest waves all around the country and the rest of the world, the slowdown of the economy because of this and that, it has been a highly dangerous exercise to put in place so many things! The website is only running now…instead of firstly announced May 15th. It is not finished yet, but you'll be informed of all updates. I won't talk about the mobile phone network breakdown in Pézenas, which really slowed the organisation of anything…, the 13 days required to install a fixed phone line…, administrative paperwork… Mountains have been hard to move but we managed it!
Mission successfully filled: the Association Art Bio is born at last.
To celebrate the event, you are all invited to the Artistic Meeting Art Bio, 5th & 6th July, in Celles, at the lake Salagou (34 – Hérault).
Just the time to make few bubbles to journalists of the newspapers, radio and TV and we see us soon!

1- Artistic Meeting – Art Bio: Recycling – 5th & 6th July - Celles (34)

During this meeting, the association loi 1901 Art Bio will present its Wormfarms, aiming at recycling organic waste into a rich liquid and solid fertilizer.

To celebrate the creation of Art Bio, local and international artists are invited: painters, sculptors, actors, stylists, decorators et theatre costumes makers.

What more should i write…? You're all coming, of course! It will be the opportunity to open our mind with "new" techniques, as "old as time": recycling. Clothes in yogurt lids, sculptures made of recycling material, recycled paper dresses, performances and Land'Art in the charming little village of Celles, feet in the water…which one can consider as being recycled itself, since the village should have disappeared under water at the creation of the artificial Salagou Lake…
Brasucade, music, theatre animations , surprise sales "saprophyte" and even animations for children…Opportunities won't miss to spend an unforgettable weekend!

10 local and international artists will perform with recycling materials.
Performances will start from 2pm.

15 local and international artists will show their work in a free space, in and outdoors from 10 am until 8 pm.

Surprise "Saprophyte*" sales

* "saprophyte" is a mushroom that grows on old dead trees.

Entry is free and free. A "brasucade" (mussel local dish) will be organised at 6pm. Drinks and food with music. Financial help is welcome but not compulsory.

Directions: Highway A75 exit 55 : Celles, Octon, Le puech

For more information, please visit this page:


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2- :
THE website for the Worms !

The site is only working now and i update it very often. For the moment, stress is put on the organisation of the artistic meeting Art Bio of 5th & 6th July, but Worms and Wormfarms are of course back there as soon as the rush as gone.

With great pleasure and impatience will I take your contributions (drawings, texts, ideas, poems, songs, etc) They will be published!



3- Birth of the association Art Bio

6th June was the date at which the status has been sent to the "sous-préfecture" of declare the association.

Youpi !!!!

Come and celebrate this birth with us at the Salagou Lake, 5th and 6th July in Celles (it might sound quite redundant, I know, but it needs to be written and understood! :-)

4- Agenda: Follow the Worms!

A ne pas rater !

- Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th July
Do not miss! - Do I need to tell more…? You are all coming ! Brasucade, music, theatre, animations, sales! A great weekend! Celles (34) - Highway A75 - exit 55: Celles, Octon, Le puech


- Friday 25th July
Bookshop "le Haut Quartier" – Conti street– 34120 Pézenas
At the occasion of the release of his poem book "ce que disent mes mains sur la toile" (what my hands say on the canvas, Bona Mangangu invites his friends and read them few poems:
Meeting at 8pm!
-Alain Chaud, sculptor
-Kébir, painter
-Agnès Allart, Art Bio and its Wormfarms

I wish to add that Bona Mangangu, Alain Chaud and Kébir have been the first to help and support me in my projetc and have transformed the first Wormfarms into formidable Work of Art.

Least but not last, you ought to know that I will have the pleasure, at this evening, to read Bona's poems…




…and thank you all for your support!

Next news, next newsletter!

Agnès Allart
Art Bio
6, rue des Orfèvres
34120 Pézenas
Tel/Fax: 04 67 98 51 66
Portable: 06 12 05 82 39


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