Newsletter # 7
1- The Art Bio wormbreeding!
2- New page on our website : dis-ver?!
3- Art Bio presents:
Printival- 5th Festival Boby Lapointe
& Festival "Off Air" in Pézenas
4- Au bonheur des jardins - Aniane
5- Agenda: Follow the worms!
The Art Bio wormbreeding has started on Sunday 28th March in Neffiès,
near Pézenas. Visiting it is highly recommanded!
Art Bio is spreading more and more and so is its website: the new webpage
"dis, ver ?!" Information and humour about these "intestins
du monde" (Platon) in order to give them pride back!
What a good transition to invite you to 5th Printival Boby Lapointe de
Pézenas ! Once again, all organic waste is going to be recycled
by the Art Bio Worms! Bonus: Art Bio will also take part to the OffAir
Festival, during the Printival and will introduce young kids to paper
One more invitation !
"Au Bonheur des Jardins", a whole day outside just to help protecting
the environnement. Art bio will present its Wormfarms !
1- Vermiculture Art Bio
Born on Sundy 28th March in Neffiès! The city of Pézenas
didn't judge our action are important enough to be supported, the English
solidarity worked instead! This is a English family who likes what the
association does and who has given to our use this wonderful little garden.
our worms breed gently in open air.
Thank you!
For now, this is just a small wormery, but thanks to nice and diversified
organic waste, a bit of water, some care and loving, it grows everyday.
A diversifie food is a waranty of a good health, not only for worms,
but also for us! And your final compost will be richer too!
Our wormery is of course open to all, who wish to visit it.
Contact us by phone or mail. If you live far away from Pézenas,
you can still visit it here, on the internet:
See you soon!
2- "dis, ver ?!" : new page of the
Art Bio site
Worms are the "intestines of the earth", according
to Platon. And, did you know, they have no eyes, or have they teeth...
So it is useless to reproach them for instance to gnaw young plants roots!
On this new page, you will discover other amazing facts about worms and
their benefits to our environment.
Alors, bonne visite !
Click here: Dis, ver ?!
top of the page

3- Art Bio presents: Printival -
5th Festival Boby Lapointe
From april 14th and until 18th, concerts ans animations
will take place everywhere in Pézenas to celebrate France famous
Boby Lapointe, humorist singer, who died too soon.
With Anne Sylvestre, christener of the Printival this year,
Richard Gotainer, Au P'tit Bonheur, Gérard Blanchard, Alain Leprest
and others, humour will be on stage, with the worms!!
Art Bio and its members, with the support from Pézenas
SICTOM take a volunteer part to the organisation of this yearly Festival.
We, of course, will be on the kitchen side, in order to feed all these
volunteers and artists! All organic waste is going to be recycled at the
Art Bio Wormery Art Bio in Neffiès (see previous) and all paper
and cardboard will be used for the Paper Recycling Workshops, which will
take place at Canabasserie (just in front of the Boby Lapointe Exhibition,
These workshops have been initiated by the collaboration between Art Bio
and another active association from Pézenas, which organizes its
first Off Festival, during the Printival; This association is called
"Le Pantin Déglingué".
The Off festival from 16th to 18th April:
All shows are free: bal folk,concerts, Kids'space, circus, games and songs!
Program festival OffAir :
le Mouton à Cinq Pattes, Chozepareil, Poney sans son Orchestre,
Marviok et the very French Orchestra, les Belles Musettes, Guilis ô
Vents, Arno Riva and a lunch organised by the Association "Hey Dis
, Boby !" (bookings: 06 71 39 14 30 or 06 76 07 23 73 and info).
Don't forget to book for the printival Concerts!
info and bookings:
04 67 98 36 40
4- Au Bonheur des jardins
Sunday 25th April - Aniane (34)-
Domaine St Laurent - Route de la Boissière
One moreoccasion for our worms to show off! From 10am to 7pm, animations
about environmental issues (birds, garrigue plants, animals of the garden),
art exhibitions, lectures and forums, workshops for adults and children,
Art Bio will introduce composting and worm composting at home.
5- Follow the worms! Agenda
From 14th to 18th April
5th Printival Boby Lapointe
and OffAir Festival
Pézenas (34)
Sunday 25th April
Au Bonheur des Jardins
Aniane-Domaine St Laurent-Route de la Boissière
…Thanks again to each one of you for your suppor!
Next info, next letter!
Agnès Allart
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